Saturday, February 27, 2010

Miscultured Festival of Colours

"Have a safe and Happy Holi". "स्वस्थ र रमाइलो होली खेलौ ।"
WE (me and one of my friends - lady) were surprized to get a handbill/leaflet with this message from  a group of teenaged students yesterday. Suprize because, just before few minutes, we were attacked with a Lola, full of water by someone unknown of similar age.
Holi is supposed to be "festival of Colours", and colours are what make our life live. Colours of Holi (are supposed to) represent different modes and moments of human life. If played with friends and relatives safely, happily and healthily, the celebration symbolizes our colours of life. But, the reality in front of us is far from what is expected to be.
Probably many sane citizens of this country have felt that this holy festival of Holi is being as dirty and unhealthy as water filled in the Lolas. The festival of friendship and joy has appeared as chance of countless cruelty, attack of Lolas to unknown people. Mostly, ladies of teen and youth age have been suffering a lot from this irritating misculture. Interestingly, more of the Lola-throwers are males and most of them want their targets to be females. Yet, many many girls are also enjoying stupidity of this misculture. And, similarly to those of males, they want their targets to be of opposite sex. Why do people want to throw Lolas to opposite sex? Is such a trend new or customary for years? Does it apply to only urban areas or rural districts?- I do know nothing about the answers, if you know please share...
BUT, what I know is this tradition is not good and suitable for a civilized and developed society. First of all the Holi is to be celebrated with own friend circle and family members, only if they enjoy it. You can't get joy by making other people suffer. You don't have any rights to celebrate any festival by destroying other people's right to walk freely on public streets. 
Anyway, for this year, I am quite happy because of the leaflet mentioned above. In past years, I never had got such wishes. I with this write-up want to share the same wish "Have a safe and Happy Holi". "स्वस्थ र रमाइलो होली खेलौ ।".


  1. and this year also may be because of our Kharel Shahab hola :)

  2. Lala happy holi diwa bro
