Sunday, February 14, 2010

The greatest Art ?

"Every art requires trainig and you can do it in this world. Stealing is the only subject, for which you can't find trainging facility, nevertheless it is no less artistic than anything else."

It's not a deep thought, neither it is a report on present situation in Kathmandu. It's just my experience. I thought it is better to share my experience with you.

Yesterday, I visited book exhibition being held at City Hall, Kathmandu by Sajha Prakashan. It was well for a book-lover, I was spent nearly 3 hours in shallow observation of hundreds of books. Surprisingly to you, I only bought a book which costs NRS 50.25. 

I caught a micro-bus to Kapan at Ratnapark. I felt myself lucky entering to the vehicle, because it is impossible for a passenger of Kapan-routed micro-bus to get a seat at Ratnapark at that time (nearly 5pm).  And, I had got it!
The bus micro arrived in front of  NAC Building (still popularly known as RNAC). As expected there were dozens of people waiting for the micro. They all wanted to take on their vehicles. Nearly, this micro also added 10 people. Among them, two were mother and daughter. Just after a minute of their taking-on, the daughter touched her pocket and whispered her mom that she has lost her cell. 
What had happened in fact was the girl was so protective and cautious for her possessions that she had been keeping her hands in her pocket of her jacket, in which she had kept her cell. Someone "professional" thief was watching it and as soon as the girl put off her hand to take on the vehicle, the professional man/woman dragged the cell from her pocket. 
This might seem to you common in Kathmandu. But the mom's reaction was quite unexpected. At first, she said, "Cell gone? Khuchching! I won't buy another to you." She continued her long diatribe against her girl, on the other hand the victim was hiding her face. According to the mom, she had suspended two male faces as "thief", but couldn't help the girl. 

The passengers of the bus talked about the same incident during my journey to Kapan. The hooker quote given in the first paragraph was one said by a passenger, which I found not only interesting, but also realistic too! What do you think?


  1. Well written!!! and do keep up your attempt. i like your flow of words....

  2. well, i agree with you.its a reallly good quote and about the girl, i feel bad for her.Although its not a new thing in the valley, i feel bad for the people aho lose their belongings because everything you possess becomes special to you and you feel bad when you lose it,at leastit happens in my case.
    you, too, be careul while travelling in the public vehicle.
