Friday, October 22, 2010

Dasain Diary

This Dasain gave me the break, more importantly than other things. I was so busy before beginning of Dasain - my daily schedule was prefixed with some works related to myself, study, career, family and my other obligations. Besides, I was unable to hang out with my friends as each of them was so busy with their own schedules.
I will explain what I did during this break time.

Ghatasthapana is religiously the first day of Dasain. I too began Dasain of this year on Ghatasthapana with a short, and unplanned visit to Osho Tapoban, a well-known meditation centre in the outskirt of Kathmandu Valley. We were not there for meditation, but for fun. Ironically, that place was not for fun! However we enjoyed a lot - observing waterfalls and Osho Samadhi and seeking information about Meditation Courses - at the same time having delicious snacks from a vegetarian restaurant there. We then came back walking on feet more than an hour to Balaju.
Next day, I accompanied one of my dearest for his Dasain shopping. It was partially a Dasain shopping, but something more than that.  We went through many shopping centres, did "window shopping" from many and shopped from few. The day ended with snacks at a "deliciously named" restaurant. The food was also delicious, as my friend remembers.
On the third day, I accompanied my two other friends for their shopping. But it was not as joyful as yesterday's. Something was really missing there- we didn't have enough time!

Dasain had not finished yet. What to do on other days, since all friends are going to celebrate it with their own families. I don't play cards. I had a complete leisure time. I took this too positively- promising I don't do any other things for him or her. Rather, I decided to stay at home. Consequently, I got opportunity to help my sisters and mother at kitchen and for other domestic works. My "Kanchhi Didi" is very thankful to me these days! I am too very happy that I learnt many skills which are equally important fro my life.
This routine (Don't take it as an organized "routine". I used "routine" because I didn't find any better word to keep here!) continued till the day of Maha Navami, a day before Tika of Bada Dasain.

Next there days were totally spent for receiving Tika-Jamara and blessings from elder members of family. I need not explain it. You might clearly know how we receive Tika-Jamara and blessings.

I did the hardest physical labour ever in my life.  Let's not reveal what the job actually was to all you here. Something should be kept in secret! Because of that hardest labour, my hand was aching, forced me to cry "aiyaa…aiyaa" till the midnight.

The day was birthday of one of my friends - who is actually a day older than me! He invited me to attend his birthday party. Accompanied by two other friends, I attended the party. Though I was the only vegetarian there, I enjoyed it.

Day XV
It is my birthday today, according to Solar Calendar. In my family, birthday according to Solar Calendar is not as important as birthday according to Lunar Calendar ("Tithi" is more important than "Miti") So, the family don't have any special program for me. I got Happy Birthday Wishes  on Facebook, through SMS and phone calls.  I don't have any special celebration for the day, because I haven't  planned anything. I didn't get enough time for planning (lets say!). [Though I had a plan and tried to do something, it got failed. Don't ask me what was that. I would surely share you what it was if it had worked!] So, I am here at home - enjoying alone.
Good bye Dasain! Meet you next year!  


  1. Waw... Your blog is beautiful than before.

    Anyway, Its been great time reading your post and Dashain. Really its good to read you through your blog.
    Once again would like wish you the Happy Birthday to you....(its late but I wanna wish you)
    Keep posting and blogging,
    Vishnu Dai

  2. Dai, thanks for the comment. Thanks for Happy Birthday wish as well.
    Yes, I will keep blogging...
    Diwakar Bhai.
